A silent leak that goes unnoticed can have devastating consequences in your home or business. A small plumbing or roof leak that doesn’t get immediate attention can colonize mold within a matter of seventy-two hours.
Our bodies react to mold growth with symptoms that are similar to the daily cold and can culminate into severs health reactions without the proper treatment. It’s not only our bodies that need treatment, our homes and businesses need to be healthy too.
CareMaster has the expertise, knowledge, and equipment, necessary to determine the problem at the source. Often the most difficult part of mold remediation is actually locating the source of the problem. Many variables may be present that aren’t always noticeable by the untrained eye.
Our managers have the knowledge and experience to put the pieces of the puzzle together and locate the source of mold and make recommendations to correct the issues properly. Providing service to both residential structures and commercial businesses in the Greenville, and Raleigh areas, these are the procedures CareMaster follows to eliminate mold:
A proper inspection must be conducted to locate the source of moisture. Many mold remediation contractor will go into a project and simply take care of the obvious fungal growth. When the drywall goes back into place and the source of moisture hasn’t been properly sought out and remedied the mold eventually comes back. At CareMaster we know without proper inspection prior to any demolition and cleaning we could be wasting our client’s time and money.
The affected area or areas must be contained to prevent cross-contamination of the structure. If the mold is removed from an area without containment being erected first, the opportunity for spreading the mold into unaffected areas is great and can have serious consequences.
Removal of affected materials is a crucial piece of the puzzle. Demolition for mold remediation must be conducted properly to prevent the spread of the growth. Proper air-flow must be set in place and PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) must be worn to protect the health of the occupants and the employees completing the work.
Cleaning procedures for mold remediation are a little different than cleaning procedures for smoke on walls. Our staff knows the proper cleaning methods for mold remediation and how to apply them properly.
Chemical Application
We use an EPA registered antimicrobial agent on mold remediation projects. This product is plant based and has no known health effects for people using it. That means people within the affected structure are absolutely safe when in the presence of the chemical being used. We understand it can be counterproductive if the mold is removed but our client becomes ill due to harsh chemical reactions. You do not have to worry about this when CareMaster completes a mold remediation project for you.
A crucial element for successful mold remediation is the equipment used. We use HEPA air scrubbers clean the air and remove loose fungal spores during remediation.